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The Original Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk, January 30, 2019. Today I want to share a favorite bedtime drink of mine for promoting relaxation and sleep. It is called Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk, and it is a delicious item to add to your bedtime routine. So, if sleep is a problem with you then keep reading for more info.

The Problem

You are far from being alone if you struggle to relax or get quality rest. Many of us have so much life piled on our plate that it affects our ability to unwind at the end of the day. This is just unhealthy and needs to change. As science learns more and more about our physical makeup, we are becoming more aware of the really bad habits our society has developed that are keeping us from getting a good rest. Rest is restorative, healing, and an essential component of our well-being, and not getting good rest contributes to many physical and emotional ailments.

All you need to do is look at the statistics for the physical and emotional health of our nation to see that good sleep is a very real issue. According to the American Sleep Association 50-70 million Americans have a sleep disorder (1). Furthermore, a 2013 Gallup poll found that about 40% of Americans get less than 7 hours of sleep a night (2), and seven to nine hours is the recommended amount. While sleep is instinctive many of us need more help getting quality sleep. Therefore, this is where self-care becomes important.

The Solution

Self-care is often perceived as an indulgence or extra thing to do if there is time. However, this is an attitude that needs to change. Therefore, we need to stop looking at self-care as a luxury to be done if there’s time and put it in its proper framework. Self-care is now a health/wellness issue and should be a priority. And while there are many ways to practice self-care healthy bedtime routines are a good place to start because they promote good sleep- something we are nationally short of right now.

I am a huge fan of routines because they work, and bedtime routines are a way to train your body to rest. When we do them regularly, they become a part of us, and we act more instinctively. Additionally, these routines cue our body that sleep time is coming. This mentally and physically prepares us to sleep. And while there aren’t a lot of studies on routines there is a definite indication that bedtime routines play a big part in good sleep habits. Questionnaires were given to mothers of over 10,000 children in one study. The results showed a definite relationship between bedtime routines and good sleep in children (3).

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk

There are a few ways to create and nurture healthy bedtime rituals starting with turning off our devices and other blue-light emitting items that interfere with our rest an hour or two before sleep. Other ways to promote sleep are reading (an actual book), hot baths, herbal teas, and more. Good sleep is a struggle for me, so one of the bedtime rituals I have established for myself is drinking tea at night while reading. Consequently, my nights are more restful now.

A Natural Idea to Help

Lately, that tea has turned into my own concoction I call Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk. Herbs are a hobby of mine, so making them a part of my health/wellness routine is important. Lavender and chamomile are calming herbs which is a much-needed thing in my life. Stress never goes away entirely, so finding ways to manage it is important because stress makes sleep more challenging. Herbs are often helpful here. Lavender and chamomile have a long tradition of being wonderful herbs for calming, and calmness is just what I need.

The base for this “tea” is almond milk as almonds are a big love of mine not to mention they play a big part of my health/wellness strategy for their many benefits. Interestingly, almonds have melatonin in them and are on the list of recommended foods that promote sleep by the Sleep Foundation (4). So, I simmer almond milk with both a teaspoon of dried lavender and a teaspoon of dried chamomile (from my own garden!). I want a good strong tea, so the herb amounts are generous. To this I add some vanilla seeds from a pod which rounds this drink out nicely. Lastly, honey to this creamy, herbal concoction to give it a bit of sweetness.

As a side note, the French lavender makes the tea a rather ghastly grey color- not pretty at all. However, this doesn’t matter at all for consumption, but if you want your tea to be pretty then add one drop of purple food coloring.

This lovely and creamy concoction goes upstairs with me and a book into bed for a relaxing evening. Right now I am reading “Brain Food” by Lisa Mosconi (highly informing and recommended). Read on below for how to make it and make it a part of your bedtime routine. And if you want more tips on how to sleep better while you are sipping your bedtime milk then read this post here. So, now for the recipe for Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Bedtime Milk.

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile and Vanilla Milk

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk

A cup of good, unsweetened almond milk

1 tsp. of dried chamomile flowers

1 tsp. of dried lavender buds

A few vanilla seeds from pod (or use a bit of pure vanilla extract)

Raw honey to taste

Optional: one drop of purple food coloring

First, simmer almond milk with herbs and vanilla for a few minutes, but don’t boil. Next, strain herbs and pour milk into mug. And lastly, add honey and food coloring. Enjoy!

Like this drink? Try this mood-boosting mocha here:

Don’t forget to check out SomeTyme Place shop for great artisan products like this Sweet Lavender Body Lotion here:

Sources Used:

  1. www.sleepassociation.org/about-sleep/sleep-statistics/
  2. news.gallup.com/poll/166553/less-recommended-amount-sleep.aspx
  3. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4402657/
  4. www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/food-and-drink-promote-good-nights-sleep

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    1. Hi Vanessa! I use almond milk because almonds have melatonin in them which promotes sleep; however,I don’t see why one couldn’t use another milk with just as delicious results if not the melatonin. Best, Anna

    1. Hi Suzanne! Agreed! Bedtime is a priority around here for good health and this makes it more fun :). Best, Anna

  1. Anne Marie, just found you and this delicious beverage on Pinterest. Last night was my first time making it and it is delicious! I love the suggestion about the butterfly pea flower (where to get those?) for giving it a lavender color. I hope you don’t mind, but I will be sharing your post on my Saturday Meanderings tomorrow.
    So nice to read through your blog!

    1. Hi Mary! Thanks for stopping by! I am glad you enjoyed the drink, and yes, please feel free to share the post. I will make sure to check out your website as well 🙂 As far as the butterfly pea flowers go, look for them on Amazon or at a natural grocers that sells dried herbs and florals. They shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Have a beautiful day! Best, Anna

  2. Can you make a large batch and chill it in the fridge to use for the week? My son has a hard time getting to sleep he is 3 but he loves his bedtime milk.

    1. Great idea! While I have never made a big batch of the tea like that I see no reason not to as long as it is used within the week. The efficacy of the herbs should be just fine as long as it is reheated gently. Thank you for stopping by! Best to you and your son! 🙂

  3. Hi, just a helpful suggestion to put nay sayers at bay, you can use butterfly pea flowers in the tea, it will make it a pretty purplish blue color.

    Thank you for taking your time to share this recipe!

    1. What a wonderful suggestion! They do create a beautiful color in drinks. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and suggest it. Have an amazing day 🙂 Best, Anna

  4. Instead of using the herbs mentioned, is it possible to make this drink using tea bags? I’m interested to try!

    1. Hi Darby! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Assuming you are using lavender and chamomile teas you can absolutely swap out loose for tea bags. I only use loose because I grow and dry most of my own herbs, but there is no difference between those in tea bags and loose. However, I would recommend using a fresh, high quality tea as the older the herbs, the less potent they are. I hope this helps 🙂 Best, Anna

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Of course, food coloring is optional as stated in the article, so feel free to go without. Another option is to use one of the natural food colorings that many companies supply. Have a nice day 🙂

  5. The tea is amazing! You story is very similar to mine in some ways. I’ve struggled with sleep since I was a teen. It’s very hard when you see the clock at 12, 1, 2, and 3 when really bad. Knowing you have to get up at 6:00 to go to work. About 2 years ago I started studying herbs for tea and tinctures. I use herbs for their medicinal and magical properties. I’ve improved a great deal with recipes just like this one. Thank you for sharing with all of us. It’s nice to see others out there are thinking similar. Everyone at work looks at me sideways. Lol. -With love SMG

    1. So glad you enjoyed the recipe! Insomnia is a real thing, so it’s important to have ways to deal with it before it impacts your health. This tea helped me get past a period of insomnia a while back ago, and yes, staring at the clock is rough. It makes me happy to hear this has helped you as well. I am so very thankful we have such a wide variety of wonderful herbs to support our health in so many ways.
      Best, Anna

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