English Daisies in the Lawn

The daisy follows soft the sun,
And when his golden walk is done,
Sits shyly at his feet.
He, waking, finds the flower near.
English Daisies in the Lawn. March 25, 2025.
It is the eve of Spring and the flowers are beginning to stir under the ground where they have long slept. Some are still a bit tired and snuggle down in the soil a bit further waiting until things warm up a bit more before poking a leaf or two out of their cozy bed. Other flowers are feeling spritelier and already stretching upwards not even waiting for Spring to start. English daisies are among the early risers of Spring. They are simply wild with excitement and have already burst forth, blooming cheerfully in nearby fields with heads turned up to the sun. And that is how they got their name according to an 11th century reference which refers to them as “days eye” because they stretch their petals wide open each morning with the sun’s arrival and then fold them back up at night and go to sleep.

The friendly daisy often shows up uninvited and may form whole families of daisies together smiling at the sun. In a very short while a grassy field may find itself dotted with daisy families which is why she is not often invited to the garden. A gardener may not enjoy an invasion of daisies in the lawn. But those who love the flowery mead will welcome walking through the fluffy white masses. And while she is no grand beauty like the peony or garden queen like the rose, the daisy does call to some deep spiritual yearning inside for simplicity with her humble stature. It is not a stretch to the imagination see why they are religiously symbolic of purity, innocence and the Virgin Mary.

A little more about English Daisies…
Bellis Perennis or the English Daisy has other names such as Mary’s Rose, Lawn Daisy or Woundwort. The last name likely comes from its reputation for healing with her astringent herbal actions that help bind and tighten skin and reduce inflammation. Sword and spear wounds were treated with daisy juices in ancient Roman armies. This reputation for healing wounds would last for more than an age. Someone with fever or lung or liver issues might be treated with daisies as well. They were even used as an expectorant. However, the daisy has since fallen by the wayside with herbalists for some reason.

Potage herbs were important in the medieval age for extra nourishment and flavoring stews and other dishes and daisies were among those used. Salads might also have daisies in them. Today, people don’t cook with daisies although they are wonderful for decorating desserts with their flushed pink petal tips. If you happen to grow them, they will look lovely on a cake. All parts of the daisy are edible although not tasty.

To plant or not?
There is a childlike joy to the daisy. With its gently stooping posture the daisy provides a tiny white umbrella to shade any tiny travelers that might pass such as a fat and jolly beetle on his way home or perhaps some fairy folk that need a sojourn for a bit of a rest before getting on their way again to a woodland dance. A child wandering through a daisy laden field may find themselves stopping to make a daisy chain for a garland to wear upon their head as in the olden days. The daisy’s appeal to childhood innocence gives a garden an air of wholesomeness. And for that reason, I have two packs of English Daisies seeds to plant in the tiny “flowery mead” I am creating out back. These happy flowers absolutely belong in the cottage garden.

Have a beautiful day!
Sources used:
- https://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/d/daisyc03.html
- https://archive.org/details/b21695088_0001/page/246/mode/1up
- https://archive.org/details/bruton-seal-julie-seal-matthew-wayside-medicine-forgotten-plants-and-how-to-use-/page/n125/mode/2up
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