How to Make a Linen Bowl Cover

Recently, I found an amazing deal on copper mixing bowls that now hang in my kitchen. Copper is spendy and something I have been admiring, but the price tag is steep. However, Wayfair had a great sale on a three-piece set, so my imaginary collection has begun in reality. Once it arrived the natural look of the hammered copper inspired a bowl cover project, and a certain piece of European linen that has been sitting in my closet came out for the occasion. Linen is a lovely natural fabric that is breathable and washable. It makes great hand towels and sheets. And as I am making more bread these days covering rising dough with linen sounded very cottage-y. If you want to learn how to make a linen bowl cover then keeping reading on. It is an easy enough project; however, if you have not sewn with elastic before that might be a bit of a challenge- not impossible though. Just make sure to read the tips.

A bowl cover doesn’t have to be made with linen although that does have a nice French country sound to it. Picture yourself in a rustic kitchen making artisan bread in a stoneware bowl and setting it to rise with a homemade linen bowl cover and maybe you are even wearing a milk maid dress. Doesn’t that just sound incredibly idyllic? Well, I don’t have a milk maid dress, but I do have linen. The linen I used was a blue and natural striped piece from Europe that I have been saving for a special occasion- like copper bowls! You can also use cotton or muslin fabric or even a flour sack dish towel.
How to Make a Linen Bowl Cover
- Wash your fabric. Linen and cotton shrink and you don’t want that happening after you’ve sewn your bowl cover.

- Get your desired bowl and set it face down on the fabric.

- Using a fabric pen/pencil start making marks 3 inches from the bowl’s edge around the bowl to make a circle around the bowl.

- Cut out the circle.

- Finish the edge of the linen circle with a serger or zigzag stitch on a regular sewing machine.

- Hem the finished edge of the circle. Set finished circle aside for a moment.

- Take a piece of 1/4 inch elastic and pull it rather tight around the top of the bowl. Keep in mind that the tighter the elastic the harder it will be to sew on the fabric, but you still want it to be fitted. Imagine you are measuring elastic around your waste and at what point it fits and is still comfortable- use that as a guide. Cut elastic when appropriate tightness is reached cutting a bit extra for overlap.

- Important: on the wrong side of the fabric pin the elastic around the circle equally about 1 inch from the hemmed edge. This will help you sew it on evenly. See picture for this. It is easier if you work by first pinning elastic at beginning/end overlap and then pin at the halfway point across from that. Continue to pin at quarter sections, etc. until the elastic is evenly stretched and pinned around the cover.

- Sew elastic on wrong side of fabric allowing the pinned sections to help you stretch the elastic evenly. Leave pins in and remove them as you go along to keep an even tightness and pull.

- Use your cottage-y cute new bowl cover and make some bread!

Here is a short video from my Instagram page demonstrating how to make the bowl cover. Make sure to follow me on Instagram!
Have a beautiful day!
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