How to Make Chair Cushion Covers with Big Fluffy Bows

How to Make Chair Cushion Covers with Big Fluffy Bows. February 21, 2023.
We have had a problem with chair cushions at Hidden Bluff. The issues vary from not being washable to ties easily coming off. Consequently, too many of them have ended up in our garbage can. The whole thing is getting wearisome, so some fabric was ordered for making chair cushion covers. One of the perks of knowing how to sew is being able to make better quality home decor items. Furthermore, if you love homemaking then sewing is one of those life skills that is worth learning. The investment pays for itself in personal satisfaction. And in this case, I was easily able to make these lovely, cottage worthy chair cushion covers with big, fluffy bows.

How to Make Chair Cushion Covers with Big Fluffy Bows
Firstly, a note on fabric: For our dining room chairs I chose faux dupioni silk because it is elegant and the fabric is right for a good, full bow tie around the chair creating a stylish presentation. Chair cushion covers are one of the easiest sewing project you can take on. However, there are a few things to pay attention to. As for example, when you select your fabric make sure it is washable as well as medium weight. You don’t want your fabric too thick like denim; however, it shouldn’t be too thin either or it won’t make floppy ties. But a nice, medium weight fabric such as chintz that has some stiffness works well for this.
And finally, if you have any questions I am more than happy to answer in the comments below!

You will need:
Approximately 1.5 yards of fabric for each cushion cover. Perhaps more depending on the width of fabric needed.

How to make cover:
Start by measuring the width of the chair cushion to be covered and add 1.5 inches to that number. This total is the width of the fabric piece you will cut for the cushion cover.
Measure the length of the cushion and multiply this number times 2 and then add 10 to this number. This total is the length of the fabric piece you will cut for the cushion cover.

For example, my chair cushions are 19 inches wide and 19 inches long. My fabric width will be 20.5 inches. My fabric length will be 19 x 2 + 10. Therefore, my fabric length is 48 inches long. So, I will cut a piece of fabric that is 48 inches long and 20.5 inches wide.
Serge or zig zag stitch each end and hem (1/4 inch) to finish, making sure that each side matches on the same side of fabric.

With the wrong side of fabric facing out, pin the fabric as shown while making sure fabric overlaps 6.5-inches.

Now you will need 2 strips of fabric that are each 52-inches long and 12-inches wide. However, if you want your bows smaller than adjust as needed.

Fold each fabric strip in half and sew together using (3/8 seam allowance) making a 6-inch tie following this with serger or zigzag stitch.

Turn each inside out so right side of fabric is showing. Press flat with an iron set to appropriate temperature for fabric making sure that the seam is in the middle on one side. At this point you should have 2 ties that are each approximately 5.5-inches wide.

Serge or zigzag stitch one end of each tie. Next, just below the finishing stitch sew a basting stitch completely across. Repeat for other tie.

Gather fabric by pulling basting stitches.

Now, tuck each tie inside unsewn opening on chair cover. Make sure seamed side is facing the same direction as the underside of the chair cover (where opening is). Pin ties at the top. See photo for reference.

Sew each side closed using a 3/8 inch seam allowance and then finish with the serger or zigzig stitch.

Turn cushion cover right side out.

Finally, tuck in each end of tie and hem.

And finally done!

Have a beautiful day!
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