Old World Lemon and Boxwood Tablescape

After a long winter with plenty of white, gray and brown it is only natural that Spring colors are a welcome sight. After all, flowers are starting to bloom, and we are all craving some bright color. Energizing yellow is such a cheery color and is one of Pantone’s colors of the year (called Illuminating), so a lemon-themed table was in order. To start things off I mixed it up a bit with some new linens to freshen the look which my daughter, Sabrina, pronounced an unsolicited comment of “looks Amalfi” upon seeing it. Since she spent a year in Italy and is fluent, I was pleased with her comment. Amalfi is known for their lemons and beautiful scenery and was one of Sabrina’s favorite places. Since lemons are classic in decor an Old World lemon and boxwood tablescape was the goal.
Keep reading and follow the look below.
old world Lemon and Boxwood Tablescape

Adorable boxwood topiaries
The inspiration started when I found these adorable little boxwood topiary trees at Target for $3 each. Six instantly went into my cart. These would work in lots of applications, but I immediately pictured a row of them on the table. A grouping of them would add Old World flair to any table. And at $3 each? That is a bargain for sure!

Lovely, old world lemon linens
The search was on for lemon linens which I eventually found from a shop on Amazon. The linens had a classic look, so this table runner was ordered first to see if I would like it. It was a beautiful piece, so the matching napkins were ordered as well. The linens were good quality and beautiful and well worth adding to my linen closet. The colors of the linen and theme inspired me to stayed with a yellow, white, and green palate.

The rest of the table was put together with things already at home. The Cynthia Rowley green placemats I used during the holidays work nicely here.

Of course, with a lemon-themed table you’ve got to have lemons. Scattering lemons on the table gives it a natural look. Plus, a grouping of them in a white porcelain dish looked elegant and Old World as well. I even used some lemon graphics to create place cards. Simple and elegant!

White dishes are classic
Simple, sparkling white plates are just the thing in this tablescape. These plates are from Pier 1 and are used a lot along with the classic charger plates from Pier 1 in my stash of decor. And while Pier 1 doesn’t carry these charger plates anymore you can find similar ones here.

White pitchers are a must in my decor stash. They are one of the most versatile things I have and were brought out for this table. White pitchers are inexpensive and easily found at home discount stores such as Marshall’s and Home Goods. They are wonderful table accessories and vases.

More boxwood with this wreath that sits in the background. It adds to the ambiance. Target is a great place to get a genuine boxwood wreath an affordable price.

Hope you enjoyed the Old World lemon and boxwood tablescape today. Have a cheerful day!
Here is another lemony themed tablescape idea for you!
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