Orange Blossom Scented White Cocoa

The fierce gorge winds visit regularly at Hidden Bluff. On those days I prefer to be inside listening to the howling as opposed to being out in it. It is a rather romantic thing to listen to the wind indoors by fire and candlelight. I had wondered what living with the gorge winds would be like when we moved and have found that the background ambiance is lovely. Although many days when I go running it feels like I am running against a furious gale, but it does provide excellent resistance exercise to help keep me strong. We routinely have to hunt down our garbage cans that blow around. And if you put up a fence it should be chain link. However, despite all this the winds are enjoyable from the comfort of our living room while sipping this hot beverage such as orange blossom scented white cocoa.

The white chocolate in this scented cocoa makes this drink a lighter cousin of traditional cocoa. The orange blossom water makes it feel elegant and almost springlike. Imagine enjoying this while the snow is swirling around outside. Orange blossom water gives such a lovely essence to many drinks and desserts. It is one of my favorites and is a great ingredient to experiment with. Orange blossom doesn’t taste like oranges, but it does have a mellow floral, slightly fruity, blossom-like essence that pairs well with chocolate as well as a lot of other things. In this cocoa it is superb and unique! The simple recipe is below.

And if you like orange blossom water here is another drink recipe to try in the Spring when your rhubarb is ready with this Rhubarb Orange Blossom Fizzy Drink recipe here.
Orange Blossom Scented White Cocoa
Double, triple, etc. recipe as needed
1 cup of whole milk
1 oz. of white chocolate
1/2 tsp. orange blossom water
Bring milk to a simmer in saucepan. Turn off heat and remove from stovetop. Stir in white chocolate until melted. Lastly, add orange blossom water. Enjoy!

Have a beautiful day!
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