Our Autumn Mantle 2024

Our Autumn Mantle

Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.


Our Autumn Mantle 2024. Oct. 27, 2024. The richness of a golden Autumn day is a bounty of spiritual wealth that makes its way deep inside my inmost being and there it will remain for the rest of my earthly years. It is a gold far superior to that dug from the ground, and one I wouldn’t trade for any amount of material wealth. The golden leaves of autumn cling with their slim stems to their home before they finally let go to make the journey home. Upon their release they are carried by the wind where they will whirl around for weeks until they finally come to rest. As I walk into the leaves rustling in circles around my feet, I hear the crunch of the leaves. It is all part of the symphony of the Autumn season that we herald annually.

Our Autumn Mantle

Our Autumn Mantle

I wish I could gather all its vibrant goodness up in my arms and bring it inside our home. The best I can do is to recreate some of its elements for us to enjoy through the season. If you follow this blog, then you already know that I have decorated our home with baroque inspired gold accessories. It is a classic look that holds its style over the years and looks lovely in any season. The rich antique gold accessories play excellently into fall decor with the presence of gold so abundant in tree foliage. Other natural elements celebrate the golden nature of the season as well such as pumpkins- that rich golden orange fruit that even taste golden sweet! I decided to buy some small fairytale pumpkins for the mantle.

fall decor

Faux autumn leaves were tucked in as well as faux orange berries. They have a dried look which is more realistic.

fall decor

I also found some autumn prints that I put inside the frames. I love the mood they create!

fall decor

Chunky ornate candle holders never get old. They hold their style so well. If you are into the romantic styles, they are a good basic. I found all mine at the Goodwill and painted them gold.

Our Autumn Mantle

All so simple, yet elegant. Two such beautiful concepts paired together in harmonic matrimony. May your Autumn be blessed and golden.

Have a beautiful day!

our autumn mantle

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