Snowy Days, Fresh Start

Christmas came without a single snowflake this year. Sometimes our little, mountain village has a white Christmas, and sometimes it doesn’t. However, a few miles up the road from us it was a blizzard-y scene yesterday when we went sledding. People from all over flocked up to the mountain to enjoy a day of play in the abundant, new-fallen snow. The tall fir trees were frosted in white, and the gray sky was heavy laden with more snow. The temperature was already cold, but the bone-chilling wind that accompanied it froze our gloved hands and feet. And yet, standing around freezing and watching my kids and their cousins I am filled with joy over the beauty of it all. A snowy beginning of the New Year never fails to inspire me.
The snow level on the mountains is lowering, so I am very hopeful for the snow to arrive in our little village in January. Having a white start to the New Year is important to me because it symbolizes a fresh start to life. The beautiful, white mantle of winter brings a temporary death to the land. The landscape is covered and purified with tiny, sparkling flakes whose tingling, and often painful cold, reminds me that I am alive. Eventually, winter loosens its grasp, allowing the green hope and newness of Spring to flood in. I love all the seasons, but I especially love winter because it allows me the time to turn inward and focus and start fresh.
The time for reflection in my life has moved from being optional to being a major necessity in the last few years. It is a tool that allows me to move forward in a positive and productive way. Some years aren’t so great and maybe even terrible such as this last year. Life brought some big challenges for our family to navigate and it wasn’t easy. Having this period of winter reflection allows me to both process these challenges as well as how to plan on how to move forward from them. When I see the white land, the clean and fresh nature of it invigorates and motivates me. This is how nature inspires me daily and why I love all the seasons. Each season brings its own object lesson. What a beautiful thing!

The cold and dark days also make it the perfect time to do a little reflective writing for the New Year. Writing is a great tool for processing your thoughts during the long season. Formal writing isn’t necessary for this exercise either. Scribbling your thoughts on a scrap piece of paper is just as effective as using a leather-bound journal. What is important to you in life at this very moment? What did you not like about last year? How do you feel about it? What do you want to do different? What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be? And most importantly: what is your plan to get there? Keep your paper in your nightstand drawer and look at it from time to time to remind yourself and track progress. At the end of the next year see where you are at.
But don’t make this a negative time and beat yourself up for failures. Be inspired by the freshness of winter and the brand-New Year. In this period of self-evaluation, I ponder what was achieved and what wasn’t realizing it’s okay if everything wasn’t a win because everyday is an opportunity to go at it again. And I do go at it again because life is full of surprises and curve balls which makes how time is spent important. This last year we were shocked and saddened by two young deaths in our community. Two college-aged kids full of promise died: one died quickly of brain cancer and the other of viral meningitis. These shocking tragedies prompt me to think of how to live my best days because I don’t know how much time I have. So yes, I get up again as opposed to stewing in my failures.
The time for reflection extends to our relationships as well. Winter provides the perfect occasion for long conversations at night or walks in the snow with a loved one. A cozy fire and hot drink are another inviting way to make this happen. People change throughout life and keeping pace with those changes is important when dealing with loved ones. For example, my two kids are rapidly changing young adults. It’s as if I am getting to know them all over again. Now is the time to take advantage of opportunities to get to know them as adults. This is also the perfect season to be in the moment in a positive way. Bond over hygge moments by getting out the candles, games and snacks. Use this time to draw close and get to know others more meaningfully.
Winter is just beginning as is the New Year. Savor the time and use it in an uplifting way to set the mood for the rest of the year. There will be ups and downs but use this time to get started on the right foot. Even if your winter isn’t white embrace the cool freshness of the season and leave the old behind. Let the season inspire you!
Have an amazing year!

Chilling after taking down Christmas decor.
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