The Freshness of Spring

The PNW loves to tease its residents with Spring. How many times have we thought winter was over when a stretch of balmy 50+ degree days arrives and then a surprise snowfall shows up right after? One should note that anything over 50 degrees involving sun is a heat wave for us here. People are outside doing yard work, walking, sun tanning (kidding- sort of), and loading up on vitamin D. Many of our days are cloudy and rainy throughout the year, so we love our sunny days when they do show up. Clearly, false starts are frustrating and happen often. Despite the setbacks from Mother Nature, we know Spring won’t fail to arrive .
However, this year’s winter was unusually late and prolonged. I thought winter was a no-show and was enjoying those sunny 50-degree days. The gardening tools were coming out, and the yard was being cleaned up for the outdoor activities. Then in late February the snow showed up. February snow is common enough, but the snow kept coming and it is now March. Snow in March is not something we are used to. I love the beautiful white snow but must admit when Spring is two weeks away the snow loses some of its charm. Stores are flooded with Spring and garden décor which doesn’t make sense to put out when snow is still piled up. Still, I can’t resist going out for snow tromp and enjoying the white beauty even if it is March. Spring’s fresh beauty will come in its own time.
Something I love to do when Spring really does arrive is to air out the house. I open all the windows and doors to cycle out the old air and let in the fresh, new air. Green smells of new plants and growth fills the house making it feel wholesome. Green just smells clean and fresh and good. The house feels healthier letting all that new air in and cycling out the staleness of winter.
One of the best parts of spring is the the new growth. Everything from the buds on trees to Snowdrops pushing out of the soil to the new grass is a joy. Yes, even the grass makes me giddy because I love mowing the thick green grass and the smell that is in the air. When I go out for that first Spring mow the pets follow me out to play. Our cat and dog love to go roll around on the newly mowed grass, stretching their limbs after a long, wet season indoors. They are lively and ready to play in the sun.

Heavy soups and stews are replaced with lighter fare such as grilled meats and early, tender veggies. We also love salad rolls and grilled Asian meats during the warmer season. And even if it’s still chilly in the evenings an al fresco dinner by the river wearing sweaters is not out of the question. Cleaning out my body from the winter heaviness with lighter eating feels marvelous. My body feels nourished and thankful for the fresh, simple ingredients. I love to season our food with plenty of new herbs which aren’t just flavorful, but beneficial to our health.
Spring means longer days are here. Being outside and taking in the sunlight is good for the soul and body. Seasonal depression is real for many and insufficient vitamin D is another concern. Now is time to take it all in. I make it a priority to sit by a window with plenty of light while working during the day. My husband and I take either a morning or evening walk. Parking in the back of the lot and walking a few extra steps is routine. I want to capture whatever the sun offers even at the very end of the day because light is important to our well-being. Springs are beautiful, even if a bit wet here. The seasoned PNW native knows that our lush green state is because of all that rain. So we put on our boots and suck it up for the rest of the year.
The weather shifted this last week. The snow melted, and the first day of Spring was a day full of sun and 60 degree weather. Right on cue, the Snow Drops made their appearance. Spring has arrived. I welcome it and all its fresh and green beauty with open arms. What does Spring represent for you? Do you have favorite Spring rituals or traditions? What do you love doing best when Spring comes?
#spring #beautifulspring #freshspring #celebratespring
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