5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

ways to reduce stress

We’ve all heard the popular meme “Keep calm and carry on”, but that is easier said than done for many. Keeping calm in a world full of complex needs, relationships, and schedules is often a frustrating challenge. People all over juggle families, careers, education, care of elderly parents, and so much more. Emotions and well-being are tested daily with high levels of stress coming from all directions. Even if well meant, spouting off sassy memes or worn-out, cliche advice as solutions can sound hollow and arrogant to those who are struggling. While there is lots of wisdom and benefits to reducing stress, easy answers don’t always come quick. So how do you reduce stress when life is messy which is a lot? There are ways to fight back, and the following list are (mostly) science-back ways to reduce your stress: 

5 Easy Ways to reduce stress

Take a Walk in Nature. 

We all know how good exercise is for us, but how about to combat negativity, stress, and even depression? One study demonstrated that taking a 90-minute nature walk resulted in “lower levels of rumination” (1). There are a couple of definitions for rumination, but the one referred to here is the inward focus on your problems and stresses and is related to depression and anxiety. Walking also contributes to the production of endorphins which boost mood and relieve stress (2). Even better- one doesn’t even have to walk fast to receive its calming benefits. If you don’t have 90 minutes, take 10. Ten minutes is better than nothing, and you can build on that in the future. Do what you can.

Groups walks in nature are beneficial as well. Another study demonstrates reduced depression and stress in groups of people who take nature walks together (3). Get a group of friends and go walking either daily, weekly, or occasionally, but get out and walk. Breathe deep nature’s goodness of sun, air, and green. It’s hard not to relax when the sun is shining in your face.

Remember Peter Rabbit. 

Remember the beloved story of Peter Rabbit and his adventures in Mr. MacGregor’s garden that nearly put an end to his young life? Well, upon arriving home in a wilted heap from stress and too much excitement his wise mum put him to bed and gave him chamomile tea. Why? Because she knew that chamomile has relaxing properties to soothe and calm which is exactly what Peter needed after all the trouble he got into.

The evidence for chamomile is largely anecdotal and not science-backed; however, people have used this herb for calming for many generations and will continue to because it works. While the efficacy of chamomile and many other herbs has not been solidly proven through science the results of many studies are promising (4). Additionally, chamomile isn’t the only herb with calming properties; lavender, lemon balm, rose, peppermint, etc. all have natural restorative properties to calm. Dry your own herbs for tea, or buy loose herbs and blend your own, or buy one of the many lovely pre-made teas out there.

ways to reduce stress
Rise and Shine. 

Getting up a little earlier is shown to have many positive benefits. People who are early risers are more likely to be successful, less likely to procrastinate, be more positive, less prone to depression, and less stressed (5). Having time to center yourself early in the day is beneficial addition to your regular routine. Challenge yourself to do this and see if you don’t come to love it. Just be sure to go to bed earlier.

get up earlier
Turn on some Beethoven.

Turn to the arts and listen to classical music to produce a sense of peacefulness. A study in England showed reduced levels of stress hormones in the audience after listening to a classical music concert (6). If classical music isn’t your thing keep in mind there is a wide variety of classical music out there to choose from. You can select from old favorites such as Vivaldi, Beethoven, or Boccherini. Or if you prefer modern classical try composers such as John Adams or Philip Glass for listening pleasure. Classical music makes an excellent background noise when working during the day for a calming and stress-reducing atmosphere. This is why I love my Alexa; it’s easy to just ask for whatever music I am in the mood for.

listen to classical music
Consider the Danish.

Beat everyday stress through the highly popular practice of hygge. Originally from the Danish, hygge is about enjoying the cozy moments of life. At its core, hygge embraces the simple day to day moments with those we love and promotes contentment and well-being. Learn to live in the moment and enjoy the experience as an alternative to stress. Given that the Danes are considered the happiest people in the world it would make sense to at least read about hygge. If you would like to read more on hygge or on ideas for hygge moments read this post here.


In the end, perspective is a big key in stress reduction when life is challenging, but adopting practices that help promote calm can make this a whole lot easier. Remember, reducing stress is not just about adjusting lifestyle, but is also about a mentality change. Challenge yourself to try these five ways to reduce stress and see the difference.

Sources Used:

  1. Bratman, Gregory N. Hamilton, Paul J. Hahn, Kevin S. Daily, Gretchen C.  Gross, James J. “Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation.” 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jul 2015, 112 (28) 8567-8572, DOI:10.1073/pnas.151045911   <http://www.pnas.org/content/112/28/8567.full>
  2. Robinson, Julie-Garden. “Walking Can Help Relieve Stress.” NDSU Extension Service. August 8, 2011.  <https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/news/newsreleases/2011/aug-8-2011/walking-can-help-relieve-stress>
  3. University of Michigan Health System. “Walking off depression and beating stress outdoors? Nature group walks linked to improved mental health.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 September 2014. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140923121413.htm>.
  4. Srivastava, Janmejai K et al. “Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future” Molecular medicine reports vol. 3,6 (2010): 895-901. <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995283/>
  5. Cain, Aine. “11 Facts about Morning People that may Inspire you to Become One.” Business Insider. September 4, 2016. <https://www.businessinsider.com/scientific-facts-that-will-inspire-you-to-want-to-wake-up-earlier-2016-8>
  6. “New scientific study shows that singing and attending classical music concerts physically reduces stress.” Gramaphone, July 1, 2015 <https://www.gramophone.co.uk/feature/scientific-study-shows-classical-music-concerts-reduce-stress>

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