Autumn Details at Hidden Bluff

Autumn Details

Our chair a broad pumpkin, -our lantern the moon,
Tellings tales of the fairy who travelled like steam
In a pumpkin-shell coach with two rats for her team!

John Greenleaf whittier

Autumn Details at Hidden Bluff. Oct. 23, 2024. Of all the pumpkins, Fairytale pumpkins have the most storybook appeal with their unique flat tops and widely curved middles. Their magical charm takes us back to Cinderella and her fairy godmother who turned a pumpkin into a magnificent coach. Looking at these Fairytale pumpkins sitting on our front porch stairs, I am inspired to sing Bibbity Bobbity Boo and wait for one of them to turn into the carriage of my dreams right there on the driveway at Hidden Bluff. The only problem is I don’t have a ball to go to…. No matter.

fairytale pumpkins and chrysanthemums

In a world that is losing its wonder, I always hope in anything I create that a touch of divine wonder is inspired. Something that makes one look beyond the surface. There is a very sweet cottage home we go by on our daily walk with the dogs. One can only catch glimpses of it due to a privacy fence going all the way around, but its the old garden roses peeping over that hints at what lays behind. Even more delightful is the old-looking rounded red door right in the middle. It invites all kinds of pretty thoughts. I must admit that I stood on tiptoe to try and peek over the fence one day into this secret garden. However, being five feet tall doesn’t allow for much viewing.

fall wreath

Autumn Details at Hidden Bluff

Back at Hidden Bluff I try to add our own magical touches. This year there are a lot of fairy tale pumpkins. Our local grocer has amazing prices on these making them affordable for decor. I decided to focus on the orange and moss green out front and put up this great wreath from Wayfair. I tucked in these very realistic faux orange berries from Etsy. And added a moss green satin bow. Large pots of autumn chrysanthemums were a necessity of course! But really, the ivy garland ended up being the best part and had its own little back story.

Autumn Details

The garland was a labor of divine inspiration (yes, God lets me know when I need to head a certain direction), and it was an idea I was ready to dismiss too. However, the Lord nudged me pretty good to get back on that train of thought, so out to the yard I went and clipped lots of ivy clumps. The electric tree trimmer was brought out to reach ended some of the higher up clumps. I brought the whole heap inside and our living room became a large mess.

making an ivy garland

To make this garland I stretched out a long piece of twine, about 15 ft. To this I attached the ivy clumps using craft wire. Fifteen feet is a bit long for a full garland, so a couple extra trips were needed out to the yard with the electric saw. But the effort was well worth it! Once it was hung and I stood back my first words were a prayer of thanks to the Lord. It was so much better than I had anticipated! And the ivy was FREE!

May your day be blessed and full of joy!

Autumn Details

Have a beautiful day!

autumn details at hidden bluff

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