Books on my Nightstand July 2023

Books on my Nightstand July 2023

Books on my Nightstand July 2023. July 2, 2023.

The sound of the breeze through the tall grass is one of the gentle summer sounds I look forward to. Walking through our neighborhood park the grass bowed to one side allowing the light breeze to pass through. At intervals the silence of the summer heat became deafening, letting me know that mid summer had arrived and the gentle beginnings of June were giving away to the sweltering days I both dread and love. It reminds me of pioneers and covered wagons riding through the prairie on their dangerous adventure to the unknown, willing to risk all to start a new life. I can only imagine the long trek in the blazing heat and wild beauty of the land while never knowing what lay ahead. Feeling the inspiration to read some pioneer fiction I picked up a couple of pioneer-themed reads for July.

Books on my Nightstand July 2023

The first one I chose was The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. Francine Rivers is a new author to me and came recommended by a trusted source. The Scarlet Thread had a lot of good reviews and not-so-good reviews, however, it looked interesting. This is another story of two women living parallel lives in separate times. We meet Sierra whose marriage is in decline seeking comfort in the old journal of her ancestor Kathryn who suddenly finds herself on the Oregon Trail to a new life. I imagine there is a lot of uncomfortableness in this story and the lives of these two women. But the best kinds of stories are often the messiest and we learn from even if only from the outside.

the scarlet thread

The second book I chose was the short classic O Pioneers by Willa Cather which you can read for free here. While fairly positive I had read this at some point in my school career I have no memory of it. So I am going to choose to read it as an adult. Willa Cather’s book is said to be a beautifully written and highly visual story of immigrant pioneers on the prairie and their lives. I am always drawn to artistic writers who know their craft well and paint a visual picture.

o pioneers

Happy reading this July and have a beautiful day!

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