Decorating the Cottage Table in August

Decorating the Cottage Table in August. August 7, 2023. Picking blackberries once again, I made my way to the bottom of the bluff on our property. The Secret Garden is still covered in berries and has yet to be freed from her long sleep. But while down there I saw a new foe: grape vines. Grape vines had rapidly grown everywhere on the bluff and were now covering the berries. Peeking beneath the grapevines for blackberries I uncovered grapes- lots of them. There was now a large crop of grapes growing on Hidden Bluff! For about 5 minutes I reveled in cosmopolitan visions of a winery on Hidden Bluff with our own bottled wines. Wouldn’t that be amazing! However, my visions returned to earth and instead I decided to settle on something more simple and use some of these grapes and berries to decorate the cottage table at our house.

Decorating the Cottage Table in August.
The abundance of fruit in our yard right now couldn’t help but lead to the inspiration of this arrangement in a wooden dough bowl. The simplicity of it is beautiful. Using what is around you is often the best source for ideas and inspiration. It isn’t necessary to always get our decor at the store when nature provides us with such a cornucopia of materials. I am always scavenging for natural materials when I can. And since each new season bears its own natural decor created by God which we in turn can use to beautify our lives every day.

One of the things I am tremendously grateful for has been the opportunity Hidden Bluff has provided to grow and nurture things. These experiences help frame my life in a new ways as well as inspire me daily to create things like this. Even if simple, the little touches add so much to our daily lives. It shows we care for those we nurture around us. It also shows our appreciation for God’s creation.

Going back for my basket, I collected apples, berries, and grapes before using them to create this fruity centerpiece on our cottage table. There is no art to this. Just arrange till you are happy. The beauty of it is in the imperfections, so don’t overthink this.

And the fate of the rest of the grapes below? A more reasonable plan to make homemade grape preserves replaced the winery idea. Once, years ago I had made grape preserves with real grapes, and it was addictively delicious! And now, here was an opportunity to do so once again with grapes grown on our own land. Some of the grapes are now becoming rosy purple and will likely be ready in a few more weeks for me to can. Take a good look at what is around you and see what materials grow outside your door for your own cottage table.

Have a beautiful day!
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