DIY Fabric Cone Garland from Scrap Fabric

There are still brocade scraps in my closet from all the sewing and crafts, and it is becoming something of a personal challenge to try and find ways to use it up. The other day an idea of fabric cones filled with flowers sounded sweet. I pictured baby roses drying in those brocade fabric cones. Today’s project is a quick-sew garland of cones to hang and fill with flowers such as Baby’s Breath or baby roses. The idea is reminiscent of the popular bunting flags that graced homes years ago, but fabric cones replace the flags. Raw fabric edges give these cones a rustic look that is still wildly popular in decor. Maybe you have scraps in your sewing closet? Try this DIY fabric cone garland to add a charming touch to your home.

DIY Fabric Cone Garland
Materials needed:
Scrap fabric
Sewing machine
Fold fabric in half. The shape of your cone is shown for you below with measurements. These are what I used, but this is the basic shape.

Draw the triangle shape on the fabric as shown making sure the center is on fold. I cut out one for a pattern and then use that one as a cutting guide for the others.

Cut out shapes.

Stitch cones together. Next, turn cones to right side out and fold the top 3 inches over.

Now sew the cones on the garland. Shown here is a piece of ripped muslin for the garland string. You can be creative here! Pick the reinforcing stitch of your choice. I sewed a large X in a square.

Cones are spaced about 9 inches apart on garland, but choose the distance between cones that you like.

Use the cones to hold flowers, candy, etc. Make the cones with different fabrics or all the same.

Have a beautiful day!
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