Enjoying the Serenity of January

“It’s nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one’s heart, like treasures.” Anne of Green Gables
Enjoying the Serenity of January, Jan.10, 2023.
January is a month for winter dreaming which is best enjoyed from the coziness of a plump armchair. Taking a moment to gaze out the window while the rains pound or the snow falls lightly allows the mind to freely wander in reverie and just be in the moment. So much of life is consumed with high-paced schedules and filled with worries, but the month after the holidays invites a time of rest for the spirit as the whirlwind pace comes to a stop. Now the world decides to rest in the quiet of winter. The falling snow echoes this sentiment as it silently blankets the land. Life is sleeping under the surface in its annual beauty ritual of renewal. And we also can allow ourselves to fall under January’s spell of serenity and find seasonal refreshment.

And this year the Lord knew I really needed that time of renewal. Emotionally and physically, I was spent. And thankfully, in His grace He always makes sure I spend time refreshing because I can and will overdo things. I was ready to start biting people’s heads off and snapping at people- a clear sign. And maybe this is why certain activities have appeal during this time. Maybe because they are activities that invite you to slow down as for example, the patient women who piece together beautiful quilts. Or perhaps the ones who knit many stitches to create a warm sweater. These are slow acts. They are thoughtful acts. They call for you to sit and be still. And while I don’t quilt or knit there are other the following are a few things I do while renewing my mind by enjoying the serenity of January.
Living Slow and enjoying the serenity of January

Mindful journaling. January is a wonderful time to practice mindfulness and engage with your surroundings. Mindfulness is choosing to be aware of what’s around you and resisting the urge to act emotionally as a first impulse. It is an exercise of awareness and self-control. And the applications of mindfulness are many including journaling. Free style journaling is a wonderful activity; however, mindful journaling encourages a focused look at things rather than rambling on aimlessly. Gratitude journals are one example of mindfulness. List journals are another. However, this year I am trying a journal that has writing prompts to more specifically develop mindfulness.

Needlepoint. This fun hobby has made a comeback in recent years which has resulted in lots of stylish needlepoint kits. There is no rushing with needlepoint as stitches are carefully made one by one, knowing that haste can ruin the overall project in the end. I find needlepoint both relaxing and absorbing at the same time. I ordered this quiet nighttime snow scene a couple of months ago and am now working slowly on it. The snowy trees have been great practice for my stem stitch. And by the way, here is a great link for learning needlepoint stitches.

Browsing vintage Victoria magazines. Victoria magazine is already quite popular for the romantic at heart. Furthermore, their vintage issues are just as much fun to browse. They are also a wealth of ideas with lots of beautiful things to look at. I love to get a stack out of my collection and just thumb through pages. Currently, I am working my way through old January issues. It is a lot of fun to see the old trends and how some of them have come back around again in a new way. Furthermore, if you are an artist a magazine that acts as a muse for you is a great way to enjoy an afternoon.

Garden planning. Fireside garden planning is fun and best to do on a blustery and wet day to cheer you up. Browsing seed catalogues online, shopping for bulbs or heirloom roses, etc., designing your garden, etc. My favorite seed company is Botanical Interests. They have lots of interesting and delicious-looking heirloom seeds! This is always an uplifting thing to do and allows you to daydream about colorful flowers and vegetables!

Happy dreaming this January and may you find moment to sit and dream in the peaceful heart of the winter!
Have a beautiful day!
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