Fabric Christmas Ball Ornaments

Fabric Christmas Ball Ornaments. Oct. 2024.
There are two types of Christmas decorators. There are the traditionalists who yearly put up the same ornaments with nostalgic joy as they unpack the sentimental treasures from storage that have accumulated over the years ranging from baby’s first ornament to a personalized family Christmas ball. And then there is the decorator Christmas decorator who is adores creating new looks every year and likely has a bulging storage room full of decor. The full force of her artistry comes out at the holidays. Her mind is a whirlwind of ideas often planning out subsequent Christmases. Crafting is often a part of this of course, and as a full-fledged member of the latter category my enthusiasm yearly takes me into at least one ornament crafting day.
Today’s post is one that indulges my love of fabric- something other fabric lovers will understand. The draw of a good piece of fabric both old and new is something I never tire of. Whether an aged chintz, worn linen, a rich velvet, or an elegant brocade the lure is there. My eyes wander over the fabric taking in its colors and history while I gently finger it to feel it texture and weight. One of the first questions that comes to mind is what can I make with it? Ask any seamstress and they will tell you about their fabric closet that is bursting with choice cuts they have picked up over the years. And here is an opportunity to use some of those beautiful fabrics to create these elegant satin balls.

The traditional Christmas ball ornament showed up in the later 1800s and has been a staple in Christmas decor ever since. Usually, there are Christmas balls of some sort on our tree. However, this year things will take a bit more homespun turn with fabric balls. I love the folds the fabric creates at the top. And yet, they are elegant with the satin topped with a gold, old world cap. Many of the craft ornaments come with silver tops. I spray painted them gold. I also made a point of looking for ornate tops to add to the look. These can be purchased separately as well.
Fabric Christmas Ball Ornaments
A Fabric Christmas Ball Ornament

- Fabric (satin or thin cotton works best)
- Plastic craft ornaments (the kind with the tops that come off)
- Small clear hair rubber bands
- Take the top off one of your ornaments and set aside.
- Cover ornament with fabric pulling tight at top as shown in photo.
- Arrange fabric folds as you like before the next step. Smooth out anything you don’t like.
- Holding the fabric at the top as shown cut it short, but leave a couple inches.
- Now take a rubber band and put it around the top.
- Now trim off the fabric until it is level with the top of the ornament but still above the rubber band.
- Now get the ornament top and spread it wide.
- Put back in and press sides back down tightly over the fabric.
- All done!
- Use thin fabric. The more bulk you have the harder it is to put the top back on.
- Keep in mind the bigger the ornament the more the fabric bulk at the top.
- Thin velvet fabric works better on the 3-inch ornaments.
- Small, clear hair rubber bands have less bulk and are less visible.
- Most ornament tops come in silver. I spray painted mine gold.
- Patience.

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