Good Morning Mimosa Mocktail (Healthy)

One of my favorite drinks is club soda with a generous squeeze of lime. It is so crisp and refreshing- especially in the summer. When the weather gets hot it is a great nightly refresher. Unfortunately, club soda became one of those popular products in the craziness of the last two years and was often hard to find. However, my husband and I received a gift from our kids this Christmas that eliminated the need to buy club soda. They bought us a soda water maker! And it is this gift that led to the Good Morning Mimosa Mocktail being shared today.

Now, I admit I’ve had homemade soda water before and wasn’t impressed. But it is our kids giving this gift, so of course, I didn’t let my reticence show and thanked them graciously. The gracious appreciation turned into “best Christmas gift ever” when we actually tried it. Wow! Not only did it work well, but the soda water tasted really good. In fact, club soda is not on our grocery list anymore. The soda water maker is our new favorite kitchen item! The kids clearly know us, and this gift proved it. So, now that we can make our own soda water it was used to make a healthy morning mimosa mocktail with fresh squeezed cara cara oranges.

Incidentally, cara cara oranges have 20% more vitamin c than regular oranges, so I can’t think of a better way to start the day. To get full health benefits from orange juice it really should be fresh squeezed and not pasteurized. Additionally, this is not a sweet drink as there is no sugar. The point is a cleaned up mocktail to get enjoy your vitamin C. And as a final note before the recipe, you do not have to have a soda maker to enjoy this healthy mocktail!

Good Morning Mimosa Mocktail
Fresh squeezed orange juice (store-bought orange juice is just fine too!)
Club soda or sparkling water (for fun you can use fruit-infused sparkling water such as lemon or berry)
Fill a glass with half juice and half soda water. Garnish if desired and enjoy!

Have a beautiful day!
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