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Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait

ruby red breakfast parfait

Currants are an old fashioned and pretty, little berry with a pleasant, sweet tanginess that don’t make much of an appearance in the food scene at least in the United States. Occasionally, there are Instagram desserts posts featuring currants, and if you read the right sort of books then you will likely have heard of currant berries. It was while visiting my brother’s family in Germany that I noticed loads and loads of bushes all over dripping with red currants. I was intrigued enough to find currant bushes locally and grow several in our yard along with gooseberries (another old fashioned berry). They are not just tasty, but lovely in food presentation as well. Yogurt parfaits are a delicious and fun way to enjoy a nutritious meal. As currants are good sources of B and C vitamins for skin health, I used them in this Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait which also features red plums.

Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait

When making a breakfast parfait the goal is clean ingredients, so as to not defeat the purpose. Getting a good start to the day is important, so I want healthy ingredients. The muesli should not be one with sugar but a natural one. The same with the yogurt. Rather than buying one with sugar I used Icelandic yogurt. It is higher in protein than Greek yogurt as well as being another rich source of probiotics. Red currants and red plums and red preserves make it a pretty ruby color as well as delicious to eat. And finally, because I am not unreasonable, I added a sweetener. However, I used a fruit-sweetened raspberry preserves as opposed to a traditional sugary preserves.

As a side note, I found out that birds really like currants too and right now our ripe currants are disappearing fast. However, I did manage to enjoy a few currants in yogurt parfaits.

Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait

Makes 1 parfait

1/2 cup Icelandic yogurt (or Greek)

2 tbsps. of muesli (natural)

A few slices of red plum

A few red currant berries (if you don’t have currants then use red raspberries)

2 tbsps. of naturally sweetened raspberry preserves (I used Simply Fruit by Smuckers)

Layer a parfait glass with the yogurt at the bottom, followed by the plums. Sprinkle the muesli on top of the plums. Warm the preserves and drizzle on top. Finally, add red currant berries to the top. Enjoy your Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait!

Ruby Red Breakfast Parfait

Enjoy your day!

Here’s another easy and delicious breakfast parfait:

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