How to Make Apple Cider Honey

How to make apple cider honey. October 29, 2020.
Today’s recipe is a really easy item to make that can be used for a number of things. Apple cider is a popular flavor in the Fall which has many uses in baking and cooking. Apples themselves pair so well with savory ingredients and are so versatile. Spicy apple cider kicks it up a notch. One of the best ways I have found to harness the apple cider flavor is using the simple reduction method. The result is a highly concentrated apple cider with a thick, honey-ish consistency that is wonderfully useful in fall baking and cooking.
And how should you use this honey? Basically, as a flavoring. For example, add a big tablespoonful to your salad dressing. Or add it to marinades and sauces. Drizzle it on top of oatmeal. This honey would be excellent in frosting for a spice cake or as part of a poultry marinade. Try using it as a meat glaze for an autumn dinner. Basically, add it to anything you want to add apple cider flavor to and enjoy!

Apple Cider Honey

- 1 jug of good apple cider (I used a 2.63 liter of honeycrisp apple cider)
- Pour the whole jug of apple cider into a large pot and bring to a boil.
- Boil on medium high until reduced to 2 cups. This will take a couple hours.
- After it has boiled down to about a quart periodically measure remaining cider in large pyrex container until you reach 2 cups.
- Remove from stove and let sit a few minutes.
- Pour into a heatsafe container and let cool completely.
- Store in the fridge.
- This will last for months in the fridge.
- Use as a flavoring or glaze for meats, vegetables, salad dressings, desserts, etc.
- Store in the fridge.
- To soften microwave for a minute.
- Cools to a sticky, honey-like consistency.
- If you would like a looser honey boil until 2 1/2 to 3 cups remain. using apple cider honey in recipes such as these here and here.

Have a beautiful day!
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