Iced Peachy Rose Tea

Iced Peachy Rose Tea. May 25, 2023.
My childhood memories include a big jar with a bright yellow lid sitting out in the sun and brewing tea. Little white tags would dangle over the side of the jar as the bags inside slowly turned the water a dark amber color which my parents would later drink poured over ice. It was fascinating to watch such an unhurried process. Sun tea is a way to enjoy the good life, the slow life. Things aren’t in a rush as the sun shines down on your jar of water magically turning it to a delicious liquid for refreshment. And iced sun tea is so refreshing during hot weather.

Our hot May insisted on a return to tradition and my own large jar came out for sun tea brewing. While it sat there the newly blooming fragrant roses inspired a few thoughts- iced rose tea? Iced peach tea? Iced peachy rose tea? The last one sounded delicious. A sweet peach tea with the essence of a few drops of rose water would be nectar on a hot day. As the tea would take time to brew it made sense to use the slow method to make the peach syrup as well. Most simple syrup recipes use cooking for quick results. Instead, I decided to let fresh peach slices macerate in sugar for a few hours until the sugar dissolved. So fresh and yummy and pretty as you will see!

Iced Peachy Rose Tea
Sun brewed black tea (see below)
Fresh peach syrup with peach slices (recipe below)
Rosewater (food grade rosewater)
Fill glass with ice and pour sun brewed black tea over ice. Add desired amount of fresh peach syrup and a few drops of rosewater. I used about 1/2 tsp. to get a hint of rose, but this may depend on the strength of your rosewater. Stir and enjoy!

Make sun tea:
Take desired black tea bags (I used a peach flavored black tea by Harney and Sons that they formulate especially for sun tea, but any black tea should work) and put in large, clean jar filled with water. About 4 bags per 2 quarts of water should do. Let sit in the sun for 3-4 hours. Strain the tea bags from jar and store iced tea in fridge.

Make Fresh Peach Syrup:
2 heaping cups of fresh (or frozen) peach slices (note: if you use frozen peaches the syrup will not be pink, but still good!)
1 cup of sugar
Combine peaches and sugar in a quart sized jar and put lid on top. Let sit the peaches sit in jar for a few hours swirling the contents in jar. The sugar will eventually dissolve, and juices will form giving you a fresh and beautiful peachy pink syrup! When sugar is dissolved it is ready to use. Store in fridge and use in tea as desired.
Notice the beautiful presentation of amber and pink layers before stirring! To achieve this put syrup in bottom first, add ice, and top off with tea. If desired, garnish with fresh peach slices and dried pink rose petals. Very refreshing for a hot afternoon!

Have a beautiful day!
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