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Annie’s Instant London Fog Latte Mix

Annie's Instant London fog latte mix

Dec. 3, 2020. While making a London Fog Latte recently I was trying to think of a creative kitchen gift outside the usual norms. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could make an instant London Fog Latte mix? The combination of Earl Grey tea with its notes of bergamot paired with lavender and vanilla in creamy milk is delicious as well as my favorite tea drink. A list of potential ingredients needed to concoct this idea ran through my head. I realized I had most of the ingredients, and sure enough the mix worked! Delicious and easy, all I have to do is stir some into hot water and voila! An instant London Fog Latte! Annie’s instant London Fog Latte mix does call for some specialty items, but these are easily found on Amazon. So, if you are adventurous in the kitchen then today’s recipe is just the thing.

annie's instant london fog latte mix

First, you will need instant tea. This was not available locally, so I ordered it off Amazon. An instant plain black tea was easily found here. There are other plain black tea powders to choose from as well. A little goes a long way on this! Even so, I more than doubled the amount called for in my recipe. Note, Lipton’s lemon instant tea is probably not the thing to use here. If you want to stay close to the original London Fog Latte, then stick with the plain black tea.

Powdered milk and powdered creamer should be easy enough to find in your local grocer and they form the bulk of this mix. As a note, I have not experimented with the superfood creamer in this recipe. Carnation plain powdered creamer was what I used.

diy holiday gift

Annie’s Instant London Fog Latte Mix

The extracts were something I already had on hand because a while back ago I had ordered a pack of natural exotic extracts that included lavender, bergamot, and vanilla, so I was set. Bergamot extract can be ordered by itself, but this is the set I got on Amazon here. However, the set includes other fun and unusual flavors to experiment with, so I got the set. Bergamot is essential in this recipe because the black tea is not Earl Grey, nor does it have any notes of bergamot. So, this extract is just the thing!

Makes approximately 6-8 London Fog Lattes

1 scant cup of powdered milk (approx. 12 tbsps.)

6 tsps. of powdered creamer

6 tsps. of sugar

2 tsp. instant tea

1/2 tsp. each of bergamot and lavender food grade, oil-based extracts (not essential oils)

1/4 tsp. of vanilla powder or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Start by combing all ingredients in a food processor and mix well. Next, transfer mix to desired container and store in a cool, dry place. To make one latte add 2 tbsps. of mix to 8 oz hot water and enjoy!

annie's instant london fog latte mix

Have a beautiful day!

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  1. I’ve been thinking about how to make a London fog mix, so I was happy to find your recipe! Just wondering though, if you use liquid extracts, does this have a short shelf life?

    1. Hi Sasire. Thanks for stopping by! The extracts I used are oil-based which gives the mix a longer shelf life. Mine have stayed good for months. I would not recommend making this with water-based extracts though as introducing water into the mix would create an enviroment for bacteria. I hope this helps! Best, Anna

  2. Do you think that the powdered milk could be omitted? Mix everything else and then add it to a cup of steamed milk? Obviously the amount of mix added to the milk would be less, since the powdered milk is omitted. I think I’ll try it this way and report back.

    1. Hi Ashley! I have not tried it this way, but see no reason not to try it without the powdered milk. Would love to hear your results!

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