Rhubarb Orange Blossom Fizzy Drink

Rhubarb is coming in season and I am trying to think of new ways to use it in the kitchen. Its tangy flavor in desserts is yummy, but it is underutilized in our kitchen. Well, today I have a new party drink for you to enjoy this May! Rhubarb Orange Blossom Fizzy Drink is a lovely, pretty pink, non-alcoholic drink to sip that pairs rhubarb with orange blossom water. Orange blossom water is an ingredient I am trying to become better acquainted with and found it tastes wonderful with rhubarb. It has a very pleasing light floral hint which doesn’t overwhelm the drink. The results are delicious! The shown drinks are topped with English daisies for a whimsical look.

This recipe will yield approximately 1 1/2 cups of syrup. Additionally, you will have leftover rhubarb to use for something else, so don’t toss it. If your grocery store doesn’t carry orange blossom water, then try looking for it in a Middle East grocery or Asian grocery (where I got mine).

Rhubarb Orange Blossom Fizzy Drink
Rhubarb Orange Blossom Fizzy Drink
To make one drink:
3 tbsps. of rhubarb syrup (see below)
1/4 tsp. of orange blossom water
6 oz. chilled club soda
Optional garnish: English daisies or other edible flowers.
Combine ingredients in glass and serve.
Rhubarb Syrup
1 quart of chopped rhubarb
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
Combine above ingredients in saucepan and bring to a simmer. Continue to simmer for 10-15 min. Next, strain rhubarb and use for something else. After straining rhubarb, take remaining syrup and cook down gently for about 5 minutes till it is reduced a little and more concentrated. However, don’t cook it down too much or syrup will be too thick in drink and will sink in the soda. Finally, remove and cool the syrup and use for drinks. Store in refrigerator.

Have a beautiful day!
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