Tips for Avoiding Stress in Life’s Busy Seasons

Things get extremely hectic at this time of year for many. The to-do list grows and grows as everything from winterizing your home to increased job load to school programs to Christmas shopping needs to be done. Worse still, everyone else is busy doing the same things which can slow up your own progress (i.e.: traffic). Maybe it’s the same for you, but this is the time of year I really have to watch not overdoing things. My husband and I are both business owners, so we help each other to watch the stress which is important. Case in point, my hubby is now lying sick on the couch from overdoing things and I have grounded him 🙂 Stress is so very bad for your health! Some seasons of life are going to be busier than others and it is unavoidable. However, there are ways to minimize this stress.

Time management is really the key to not losing your cool in all of this. Not having a plan is a sure way to end up wasting time- trust me! However, even time management skills aren’t a cure all and may even encourage overdoing things. When you feel like you are treading water there are a few important things to remember which help keep your priorities in check:

Take life in bite-sized Pieces where you can

Sometimes it feels like you are drinking at the fire hose with no end in sight- it just keeps coming and coming and coming. One of the ways to offset these times is by managing other areas in bite-size pieces. The question to ask is what you can reasonably manage while keeping your sanity. This may include tabling some things altogether until a better time. This varies for everyone, but the point is to minimize stress where you can. When things are already hectic enough don’t add to it by biting off more than you can chew- it’s okay!

It all about perspective.

What is the bigger picture here? What is the absolute worst thing that will happen if you don’t get something done? Is it really that big of a deal? Think about what is most important to you and if this moves that forward. It’s easy to get caught up in the little things and lose track of what’s important. Take time to remind yourself of your priorities.

Don’t neglect engine maintenance.

This one is so hard! I am glad to see a lot of articles addressing the importance of self-care which includes sleep, diet, exercise, pampering, and more. We live in a culture that runs 24/7 and many suffer with poor physical health; however, this doesn’t just impact physical health, but mental health as well. One of my favorite de-stressors is to take a hot bath with a bath bomb and a glass of wine. This is so soothing and relaxing! But everyone is different, so find what works for you because taking care of your body holistically helps you to perform your best.

don’t forget to Have fun!

Yes, carve out even just a tiny bit of time to have some fun. Or learn to find the fun in little things every day. Sometimes things get so bad I just have to laugh to relieve stress- lol! My grandmother is an amazing woman has a wonderful sense of humor despite of everything she has faced. I am so thankful she passed her sense of humor on to me, and I have learned that laughing a lot is good for the spirit and for your health!

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