4 Great Reasons to go Hiking

reasons to go hiking
My latest hike at Tamanawas Falls

The Oregon forests are enchanting places of beauty and tranquility. It is hard to go into the forest and come out unchanged. When you step in you are entering a whole new world that is so pure and unadulterated by the messiness of this life- especially 2020. I fell in love with our woods and mountains years ago on a cross country ski trip and have never gotten over it. Generally, hiking, skiing, and camping are how we enjoy the forests around here. Skiing is a rarity for us, and I refuse to camp anymore. However, I adore hiking, but do not hike as often as I would like to. That has been changing the last couple of years as my husband and I are taking more trips out to our nearby forests and enjoying them. And there are some really good reasons to go hiking, so keep reading!


There is a lot of satisfaction gained in a good hike. And the benefits are physical, emotional, and spiritual. My recommendation is to find a forest hike with a water feature to gain the most out of your time. While I have done wilderness hikes (and they are awesome) nothing beats a hike along a river. It is just a magical experience. Below are the main reasons I love to get out into the woods.

4 Great Reasons to Go Hiking

Time to think clearly. There is nothing like being out in the forest to clear an overly full head. And how many of us have heads bursting full right now? And those too-full heads can overflow with toxic emotions, actions, and words. When you go hiking your head magically empties and fills with inspirational things. I always tell people it is God’s country up here because it is here more than anything that I feel His presence and know He exists. My overly full head becomes full of peace and wonder. It is time alone with my thoughts and prayers. Furthermore, it allows me to process and work through things which is important to do. There is a sense of mental release and clarity that emerges during these moments that is not often found in the real world.


Connect with nature. Dip your hands in the river and let the water flow over your skin. Rub your palms along the rough bark of the old trees and admire their patterns. Take in the colors and many shades of soothing green. Smell the mossy branches, cool water, and fir needles crushed under your feet. Take in every little moment and detail to connect with the nature around us. Imprint it in your mind and carry it with you when you go. Remember it and come back when you need to replenish.

fall leaves reasons to go hiking

Negative ions. I am a believer in negative ions and their benefits. Negative ions are molecules charged with electricity that are found in many water sources where water is crashing (tides, waterfalls, rivers, etc.). Negative ions boost the amount of oxygen your brain gets and consequently, your alertness and energy. Some studies show that negative ions are highly beneficial for depression, and many people claim to have improved moods after being in sources rich in negative ions. Moving to the riverside is what convinced me that there is something to this. Hiking by rivers and other water sources are a great way to benefit from nature’s vitamins, so if you struggle with depression as I do this is an awesome way to help it.

Core building and balance. Of course, there are the great physical benefits of hiking, but did you know it also is good for engaging your core muscles? Hiking in nature provides a walk that emphasizes core muscle development as well as balancing skills while you make your way on the trail. These are not skills you will develop on a treadmill or flat paved road, but only in the natural world. So, get out of the gym once in a while!

Hopefully, you now have some great reasons to go hiking, and if it is not enough, here is one more: some water music for you from my latest hike.

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