How to Use Lilacs in the Kitchen

O were my love yon Lilac fair, Wi’ purple blossoms to the Spring
Robert Burns
How to use lilacs in the kitchen. May 10, 2021.
One floral edible that often gets overlooked is the lilac. Lilac has a sweet essence that is very reminiscent of honeysuckle (also delicious!) and makes a pleasing light floral accent in sweets. If you would like to read more about honeysuckle, click here. And while there are many kinds of lilacs that all have their own unique, lovely scent my favorite are the sweeter scented ones. In particular, Beauty of Moscow is my preferred lilac with its scent, taste, and color. Beauty of Moscow is one of the most well-known and popular lilacs throughout the world . It is a pale blush-lilac color which looks beautiful in the garden. And in case you were wondering how to use lilacs in the kitchen the following are some ideas for you!

The following are recipes for infusing lilac into honey and sugar as well as making lilac syrup. And while lilac is a delicious floral it is important to note that it has a light scent that doesn’t survive the high heat well. So, make sure to use the infused items in a way that doesn’t involve cooking them. Can you use other kinds of lilacs? Of course! I just recommend using the most fragrant varieties that are sweeter in scent.

Lilac Simple Syrup
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 large panicle of clean lilacs
- Remove the lilac blossoms from the panicle and put into a small pot.
- Add sugar and water to lilacs.
- Gently heat mixture over medium-low heat just until sugar is dissolved. Don't boil or stew lilacs. It tends to kill the light floral flavor.
- Remove from heat right away and strain into desired container.
- Store in fridge.
- Best used within a few days.

Lilac-infused honey
- Raw honey
- Clean, dry lilac blossoms removed from panicle
- Using a small glass jar, fill with lilac blossoms.
- Cover lilac blossoms with raw honey and stir a bit to combine.
- Let sit and infuse for a few days.
- Strain blossoms and use honey as desired.

Lilac-infused sugar
- sugar
- clean, dry lilac blossoms
- Remove lilac blossoms from panicle.
- Filled jar with sugar leaving enough room for lilac blossoms.
- Add a generous amount of lilac blossoms and seal jar.
- Shake contents once or twice a day for a few days.
- Remove lilac blossoms after 3-4 days.
- Use sugar as desired.

Have a beautiful day!
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How long would you say the simple syrup is good for
While simple syrup generally is good for a few weeks I recommend using this lilac syrup within a few days while its flavor is at its best.
Thank you! I can’t wait to try the lilac syrup & sugar 💗