October Mystery Reads 2022

“October is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book.” – John Sinor
October Mystery Reads 2022, Oct. 2, 2022.
It is hardly unique that my favorite month is October- a month full of so much color, and yet also a month full of moody atmosphere. The arrival of October 1 always brings with it the anticipation of mysterious and gloomy reads. After all, it is only fitting in October that one should read those kinds of books when the cool winds are blowing, and the nights come early. Many of my acquaintances shy away from those kinds of books. I admit I draw towards them like a moth to the back porch light on a black night. Mysteries that tantalize and spook as well as stretch the mind with puzzles to solve are a never-ending source of personal enjoyment for me.
In a world full of so many books I depend on the reviews of other like-minded readers to find new material. I chose to read books by authors recommended by another literature-minded blogger who also enjoys older books and mysterious reads. So, I have two book picks for October from another generation of literary greats. Both authors are women who carved best-selling careers out of their writing talents in an older world. Undoubtedly, I will pay homage to their talents and read more by both.

October Mystery Reads 2022
From Doon with Death by Ruth Rendell.
Unassuming housewife, Margaret, is found dead in the woods much to the surprise of the village. However, Detective Wexford sheds more light on the personal nature of the crime when he discovers a dark side to Margaret involving a mysterious secret lover. This is Rendell’s first book published in 1964. She enjoyed a prominent career as an author and her Detective Wexford series was adapted for tv.

Cover her Face by P.D. James.
The unscrupulous, social-climbing parlor maid, Sally, is found dead shortly after it is learned she is engaged to the member of a prominent family in the small English country village. There are plenty of suspects to go around as Detective Chief Inspector Adam Dalgliesh learns. This is James’s debut book and the one that launched her successful career in 1962.

Have a beautiful day!
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