
Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

“For all things produced in a garden, whether of salads or fruits, a poor man will eat better that has one of his own, than a rich man that has none.” 

J. C. Loudon

Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette. The warm June sun beams on the garden below, its golden rays touching the vegetables and fruit and transforming them into bright colors of green, yellow, and red. Just to see a tomato plant with its red fruit is to smell its green tangy flavor. One might imagine firm slices of red beefsteak tomato on a freshly barbequed hamburger. Or perhaps sautéed San Marzo tomatoes for a fresh pasta sauce. And crisp lettuce stands tall in the bed waiting to be adorned with red and golden tomatoes. Salad is the food of a June evening dinner out on the patio. To celebrate the impending arrival of summer this last week we enjoyed today’s Summer Steak Salad. It is accompanied with a red wine & olive oil vinaigrette.

Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

My love of a juicy steak comes from my dad. My early memories include dad taking us regularly to a local steak house for their steak and baked potato. I learned at a young age how to cut my top sirloin steak with a knife with each bite being dipped in the tangy steak sauce pooled on my plate. A yummy baked potato smothered in sour cream and butter sat alongside my steak. Admittedly, a picky eater when young, I made an exception for steaks. And that love of steaks never went away although my taste buds have broadened. Now I view summer in a harmonious relationship with grilled steaks enjoyed outside with a glass of red wine- heaven on earth.

 Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

This summer steak salad draws on the flavors of the summer garden and is best enjoyed with good bread as well as a glass of red wine. Dine outside on a warm June evening breathing the night air and relaxing. Adjust recipe where needed. But most importantly, enjoy!

Summer Steak Salad

This focaccia bread recipe here is easy and wonderful!

Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

This salad uses fresh and colorful summer vegetables and juicy slices of grilled steak with an flavorful dressing for a summer meal!


Summer Steak Salad ( 1 salad )

  • 2 cups lettuce mix
  • 4 oz slices of grilled steak
  • 1/4 cup charred corn kernels (see below)
  • 1 piece chopped cooked bacon
  • 3-4 slices of avocado
  • 1-2 tbsp gorgonzola or bleu cheese crumbles
  • 6-7 heirloom cherry tomatoes
  • slices of red onion (optional)
  • red wine and olive oil vinaigrette (see below)

Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

  • 1 envelope of Good Seasons Italian Dressing mix (.7 oz)
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 3 tbsps. water
  • 2 tsps. honey


Summer Steak Salad ( 1 salad )

  • Assemble lettuce, steak slices, bacon bits, corn, avocado, gorgonzola, tomatoes, and onion on plate as desired.
  • Serve with vinaigrette.

Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

  • Combine red wine vinegar, olive oil, water, honey and mix packet in jar.
  • Close lid and shake well.
  • Ready to serve. Store in fridge.

Charred Corn

  • Heat a bit of oil on high in a skillet. I like to reserve a little of the bacon fat for this after cooking bacon.
  • Put in a clean cob of corn (peeled) into the pan and cook on each side for a minute or two until browned.
  • Remove and cut kernels off cob to use on salad.
  • One cob should cover 2-3 salads.
Summer Steak Salad with Red Wine & Olive Oil Vinaigrette

Have a beautiful day!

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