Essential Oils for the Work Place

Since I work out of the home there are a few things I do as part of my routine to promote a healthy atmosphere. First, is that classical music is usually playing on Alexa. This is because I have loved classical music since high school when I discovered it was great music to write, read, and work to. Classical music is both soothing and enriching to the mind and naturally, is a good choice for background noise. There were times I even fell asleep with it on. So first thing when starting my work day I tell Alexa to play Vivaldi, Boccherini, Bach, or whatever I’m in the mood for.

The second thing I like to do for a healthy work environment is diffuse essential oils. Aromatherapy is helpful to the mood, mind, and body. Being healthy, alert, and calm is important to being productive, so this is a priority. Since we have a small portable diffuser this works out well when moving around to different work areas in our home. However, it was getting a bit old hauling it up and down the stairs. Fortunately, a deal came along for a sleek new diffuser, and a second one was purchased for the home office.

My new, chic-looking diffuser has an awesome-looking marble pattern surface. Because having chic-looking office accessories always makes me work a little better an occasional splurge is nice. This diffuser performs very well for such a compact diffuser. The top can even change light colors as there is a choice of several light tints. So, now that I have an elegant office diffuser what oils are best for promoting well-being in the work space?

There are a lot of oils and blends to choose from, so it depends on what your goal is. Do you want an energetic, peaceful, or calming scent? Since there are many options, below are listed different oils and which uses they are most known for. If the smell of certain oils doesn’t appeal to you a blend is always a good bet. It is easy to bend your own or buy a blend from a quality supplier. Two of my favorite places to get high-quality essential oils for aromatherapy is Doterra and Eden’s Garden, but there are many other high-quality essential oil dealers. Make sure to do your research before purchasing as there are also many low-quality oils out there as well.

Essential Oils for the Work Place

Energizing essential oils:

Orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, rosemary, peppermint, lemongrass, eucalyptus, silver fir, pink pepper, black pepper, ginger, basil, and spearmint.

Calming essential oils:

Lavender, Roman chamomile, cedar, rose, vetiver, ylang ylang, bergamot, frankincense, petitgrain, patchouli, blue tansy, tangerine, and lemon balm (melissa).

Balancing or grounding essential oils:

Clary sage, geranium, neroli, cedar, lavender, myrrh, frankincense, and spruce.

Mental Clarity:

Lavender and rosemary.

My personal favorites are citrus essential oils. Their sweet and tangy scent is both invigorating and energizing. Feeling energized while working is important to me because it helps me to keep moving in a positive and upbeat way. Other great blends include lime and spearmint; chamomile and lavender; lemon and fir; or grapefruit and rose. Lavender is a perennial favorite for calming and blends well with many other oils if you are looking for calming blends. Recently, I have been blending lavender and magnolia essential oils for a beautiful floral scent that is calming. Another blend is rosemary and peppermint. Rosemary promotes alertness and peppermint is invigorating. But, any of these essential oils are wonderful for aromatherapy in your work space as well as promoting a positive mood. And many companies do the blending for you with some amazing creations of oils to promote peace, focus, and more.

Thank you for stopping by! And be sure to get out and enjoy the sun and life today! Make your work day a great and healthy one!

Note: I receive no money from affiliates. Furthermore, product recommendations are solely based on my own opinion.

#essential oils #workday #officesupplies #rejuvenate #essentialoilsatwork #healthyatmosphere

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